
Terms of Service

Employment.pro, Jobs.pro, Vagas.pro, Vaga.pro, Emprego.pro, Offre-Emploi.pro, Lavori.pro, AR.empleo.pro, CL.empleo.pro, ES.empleo.pro and MX.empleo.pro are owned, registered and operated by EMPLOYMENT PRO LIMITED

We are a search engine for classified ads. The service aggregates and analyses jobs from different sources publicly available on the internet through XML, HTML, RSS, etc, returning relevant results to users.

All materials, information, products and services included in these services and sites are provided "AS IS" with no warranties whatsoever, either express or implied. By using this site, you signify your assent to this Agreement and agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

Terms of Service

The jobs contained in our search results, or linked from those results, may have been created by people over whom we exercise no control. Our job search results are indexed in an automated manner and we do not screen the jobs. We assume no responsibility for the content of any job listing or website that is either included in our search results or linked to.

If you post content or submit material, you grant EMPLOYMENT PRO LIMITED a nonexclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, right and license to make, use, sell, sublicense, reproduce, distribute, perform, display, prepare derivative works from and otherwise exploit all such content and materials for any purpose without restriction. You represent and warrant that all content and materials you provide shall be your original work product and will not be based on, or derived from, the proprietary information or items of a third party. You agree not to impersonate any person or communicate under a false name or a name you are not entitled or authorized to use.

You agree not to access (or attempt to access) any of the services or site by any means other than through the interface that is provided by EMPLOYMENT PRO LIMITED, unless you have been specifically allowed to do so in a separate agreement with EMPLOYMENT PRO LIMITED. You agree that you will not engage in any activity that interferes with or disrupts the services or site.

We may modify or terminate the services from time to time, for any reason, and without notice. EMPLOYMENT PRO LIMITED reserves the right to modify these Terms of Service from time to time without notice so check back often to review these Terms of Service.

You understand and agree that you download or otherwise obtain material or data through the use of this services or site at your own discretion and risk and that you will be solely responsible for any damages to your computer system or loss of data that results from the download of such material or data.

If you believe in good faith that materials hosted by EMPLOYMENT PRO LIMITED infringe your copyright, you (or your agent) may send us a notice requesting that the material be removed, or access to it blocked.

The site may contain links to other sites on the Internet which are owned and operated by third party vendors and other third parties (the 'External Sites'). You acknowledge that EMPLOYMENT PRO LIMITED is not responsible for the availability of, or the materials located on or through, any External Sites. You should contact the site administrator or webmaster for those External Sites if you have any concerns regarding such links or the materials located on such External Sites.

Use of cookies

We use Google Analytics to collect data about traffic via the DoubleClick cookie in addition to data collected through the standard Google Analytics implementation (e.g., Remarketing, Google Display Network Impression Reporting, the DoubleClick Campaign Manager integration, or Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting).

Visitors can opt-out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and customize Google Display Network ads using the Ads Settings or Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on.

Jobs Available

Who We Are

We are a search engine for classified ads. The service aggregates and analyses jobs from different sources publicly available on the internet through XML, HTML, RSS, etc, returning relevant results to users.

  •   Search for Jobs
  •   Promote your CV
  •   Upgrade your Career
  •   Search Candidates
  •   Post a Job
  •   Improve your recruitment
Help job seekers to increase the chances to find a new job and upgrade career. Help recruiters to find more candidates.